Farewell Message From Dr Stephens

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Dear Friends,

I joined the original team at Speedwell as a partner over 22 years ago and have had the privilege of looking after you and several generations of your families over that time. You have taught me a lot and I hope I have been able to guide you through the various health and care challenges you have met along the way.

I have had the absolute pleasure of knowing some of you from birth to hearing about what careers you have gone on to choose in adulthood, and I will remember the stories you have shared with me for a long time to come.

As many of you know, through many of these years at Speedwell, I have been closely involved with clinical commissioning and working with the Primary Care Trust, CCG and NHS England. Over time I have become very involved in the strategic organisation and delivery of cancer services in both our local area and more widely across London. With the challenges that Covid has brought over recent months, particularly for cancer patients, this presents an opportunity for me to play a part in improving cancer services locally and for London and to complement my CCG work, I have been appointed Co-Clinical Director for the North Central London Cancer Alliance. This brings together the efforts of General Practice and the hospitals and academic departments of Barnet, North Middlesex, Royal Free, University College, and Whittington for the development and delivery of cancer services for our local communities.

While with great sadness this means I can’t continue to work as your General Practitioner here, I look forward to going on to serve you in a different way in this new role and know you will appreciate the importance of this work.

First and foremost of course I am a GP with ties to our local community; I will always value your support and friendship.

With best regards,

Dr Clare Stephens