Our Online Consult service is available Monday-Friday 6am until capacity.
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Our Online Consult service is available Monday-Friday 6am until capacity.
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Our Online Consult service is available Monday-Friday 6am until capacity.
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Our Online Consult service is available Monday-Friday 6am until capacity.
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Our Online Consult service is available Monday-Friday 6am until capacity.
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Home Page
The Speedwell Practice
Welcome to our new surgery website – we hope you find it useful
We have reached our capacity for today. The service will resume at 7 am on the next working day (We are not open Saturday or Sunday or on Bank Holidays). Online inquiry forms are the best way to book appointments and are available on working days from 7 am until capacity. These are triaged by a doctor and clinically urgent queries are prioritised. If you are unable to complete the e-consult form online, our reception team can assist you. We kindly request that this is reserved for patients who are vulnerable, have language barriers or are elderly.
When you have an urgent problem after the triage system is closed which cannot wait until the next working, please contact our reception team on 020 8445 7587. If there are no available appointments on the day, our reception will direct you to an appropriate alternate service. Please do not email the Practice for appointments
If you need more urgent help, other options for support include visiting NHS 111 online, calling 111 or visiting the local walk-in centre. In an emergency please attend A&E or call 999
Please do not email the Practice for appointments. If there are no available appointments on the day, our reception may direct you to an appropriate alternate service. If you need more urgent help, other options for support include visiting NHS 111 online, calling 111 or visiting the local walk-in centre. In an emergency please attend A&E or call 999
If you are unable to complete the e-consult form online, our reception team can assist you. We kindly request that this is reserved for patients who are vulnerable, have language barriers or are elderly.
Our Online Consult service is available Monday-Friday 7am until capacity.
If your problem is urgent and cannot wait until the next working day when the triage system reopens, please contact our reception team on 020 8445 7587.
Patient Triage service is currently overwhelmed. With patient safety in mind, we will temporarily be suspending the service at various times on a daily basis once we have reached our capacity.
For GP Hub Telephone / remote video appointments- call the Hub call centre on 0203 948 6809 for local Barnet appointments between 6.30pm and 9pm weekdays and 8am – 8pm weekends. Please be punctual for your Hub appointment time. They may be unable to keep your appointment if you are more than fifteen minutes late.
Online services allow you to:
order repeat prescriptions
see parts of your health record, including information about medicines, vaccinations and test results