Important notice for patients:

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Please note that the following service will cease to be provided at the surgery from 1st August 2022.

  • Ear Syringing / Micro-suction
  • Phlebotomy – (blood tests)
  • Wound dressings / stitches

WHY are we not doing these anymore?

The funding that the practice receives to provide phlebotomy ceased many years ago. We have looked at the cost implications to provide these services without funding and unfortunately it is not viable to continue.

Wound dressings and micro-suction. The practice has never received funding to provide these services within our core contract with the NHS, and has provided the service at a cost to ourselves. Unfortunately with the overall reduction in funding we have had to make difficult decisions as to what services we can provide within our nursing time.

HOW will I get these services now.

PHLEBOTOMY – All blood tests will need to be done at Finchley Memorial Hospital, Barnet Hospital or Royal Free Hospital . You will take your request form directly to them and they will take your blood and then process and report the results back to us in the normal way. You can also book an appointment at Brunswick Park, East Barnet Health Centre, St Andrews Medical Practice and Oakleigh Road Health Centre. Please phone reception who will be happy to book this for you.

EAR SYRINGING / MICRO SUCTION – You will be referred to community services by either your GP or Practice Nurse or alternatively you can go privately.

WOUND DRESSINGS – Most wound dressings after hospital procedures can be dressed at the hospital. Ongoing wounds not from procedures will be referred to Finchley Memorial Hospital. Please ensure that you advise your hospital doctor that your surgery does not do wound dressings.